On Feb 14, 2:52 pm, Brice Burgess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah wrote:
> >    I think, there is a possible bug with jqModal. When a class is used
> > for trigger, different links open same ajax URL.
> > <a href="foo1.php" class="remote">Foo1</a>
> > <a href="foo2.php" class="remote">Foo2</a>
> > ..
> > trigger: '.remote',
> > ajax: '@href'
> > ...
> >     Expected behavior: Clicking on Foo1 should open 'foo1.php' and
> > Foo2 should open 'foo2.php'. Actual behavior: First clicked link is
> > open always.
> Thanks for pointing this out. I admit to not testing the @attribute
> selector ;)
> Anyhow, a fix is available 
> @http://dev.iceburg.net/jquery/jqModal/jqModal.fix.js
> Let me know if the above works as expected now.

   Now, something looks broken; URL doesn't load in modal; quickly
refreshes the window.

   BTW, is there any plan to add title for the modal? say,
title: 'foo' or '@title'
   So, that <a href="foo.php" class="remote" title="Foo">foo</a>
  can effectively be used?

  <?php echo 'Just another PHP saint'; ?>
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