Hi all,

Here are some thoughts I have, many of which have already been mentioned.

First, testing... I have great respect for the time and dedication that was
obviously spent to build the current test suite. Seriously, I do. There are
some areas, though, that I think could be improved with a focused group
effort like SOC. For example, I haven't seen any functional tests in the
test suite--a test suite that you can pull up in your browser and manually
*see* the results/effects happening (scriptaculous has this, for example).
Also, it seems like about 5% of the tests always fail in Safari, and like
10% in older versions of IE (like 5.5), even though jQuery is obviously
mostly-compatible with those browsers. Things go through my mind like "If
this is failing in Safari, how much of this can/can't I use when developing
across browsers?" Or, "Exactly *how* compatible is jQuery with IE5.5?" In
summary, I think a group effort surrounding the test suite could expand it &
document it so that we have a better understanding of browser compatibility.
That's a huge win for getting jQuery adopted in a corporate environment.

Secondly, some lightweight interface stuff (drag/drop)... This is just a
"wish list" item for me :) I would imagine, based on the work I do at my day
job, that a lot of people need a simple drag/drop sortable list with
callbacks. This is of course offered in Interface, but it seems a little
"heavier" than I need most of the time because it accounts for 80% of
situations I probably don't need on a day to day basis. Interface is
*awesome*--but the sortable lists example is a little unresponsive on mouse
click, even on a brand new Mac Pro. I think we could benefit from some
lightweight interface elements (drag/drop is just the first thing that comes
to my mind). BTW--I know that the Interface guys are working on speeding up
the sortables stuff... but I think what I'm referring to is more of a
specific use-case, instead of a big Draggable/Droppable/Sortable
implementation with a million options, etc.

Thirdly, I'll chime in about the basic "demos" that could display some cool
jQuery functionality.

This is really exciting... every day I think about how I haven't regretted
my decision to support & use jQuery at work.

-Steve O

John Resig wrote:
> Hey Everyone -
> Google's Summer of Code has just opened up for 2007, and I'd love to
> have jQuery be a part of it:
> http://code.google.com/soc/
> If you're not familiar with how SoC works, Google pays a number of
> college students to work on an open source project for an entire
> summer. This is a great opportunity for the kids, and for the projects
> that they're supporting.
> In order to be able to apply, we'd have to come up with a list of
> things that we'd like them to do. So, I'm asking you (the jQuery
> community) what you think 1-3 decent coders could do for us for a
> summer?
> Some examples of good ideas (which should be expanded upon):
>  - Build or port an unobtrusive charting plugin
>  - Add jQuery support to a popular CMS/Framework
>  - Build some interactive demos for jQuery.com
>  - Add new functionality to Interface
> We're already working on the following improvements to the web site
> (so you don't need to ask for these):
>  - A new plugins repository
>  - A new forum area
>  - A customizable download area
> Feel free to post your suggestions - all are welcome!
> --John
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