Peter De Berdt schrieb:
>> 1) Are you using Rails?
> Yes, close to 24/7 :-)
>> 3) Would you prefer an approach that generated JS by writing Ruby helpers
>> that generated jQuery code, or an approach that made is easier to link up
>> existing jQuery code into Rails?
> A mix of both actually, it would be great if I could just replace
> Prototype/scriptaculous with jquery/interface and I wouldn't have to
> replace my Rails helpers with Javascript code (I prefer to use Rails
> helpers for the simple stuff and resort to custom JS code if the Rails
> helpers are not sufficient). The Rails helpers are really great for
> the day-to-day stuff, but they don't encompass the complete
> functionality of Proto/script.

This is *exactly* what I'm after - combined with the idea of UOJS, that is.

-- Klaus

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