I've finally got around to using the tabs plugin && am loving it! :) In 
due time, I of course came across a complexity that I'm having a hard 
time elegantly solving.

4 tabs are setup displaying forms to aid in a mailing composition; 
"composition", "template", "message", and "preview". The content of 
these tabs is pulled via an ajax request ({remote: true}).

The content of each tab contains a continue button <input type="submit" 
../>, which submits the form, and if VALID, takes them to the next tab. 
e.g. "composition" -> "template", or  "message" -> "preview".

This is trivial -- I submit form using the Forms plugin, in the 
onSuccess callback decipher if the form was valid (server side 
validation) and use $.triggerTab to trigger the next tab.

The complexity: In addition to the continue button, I would like the 
form to be submitted upon clicking another tab. Users are bound to fill 
in form data and click the next tab (w/o clicking "continue") and expect 
the data to be "there".

I realize I can use an onClick event to submit the form -- however I can 
not stop the clicked tab from becoming active. I have tried returning 
false, etc.

So; If a user clicks a tab, the content's form should be submitted, and 
IF VALID, activate the clicked tab.

In an attempted workaround I tried disabling all tabs, and assigning 
custom events to trigger them (yes, somewhat redundant). This didn't 
seem to play well with {remote:true}.. I noticed

 $('#mailing').enableTab(1).triggerTab(1);  does not work, for instance.

I think the easiest/less ugly way to go about this is to intercept 
(cancel) the onClick event if it returns false. This way I could submit 
the form in the onClick and return false. When the form response comes 
back, I can then either trigger the tab, or alert the error message.

Does this make any sense?

~ Brice

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