Torbjorn Tornkvist schrieb:
> Hi,
> It would be nice if it also supported Internationalization
> of the Previous/Next strings etc.
> Perhaps, it already does? I'll have to check the source.
> Cheers, Tobbe

I've stripped out all the strings, i18n is done via settings defaults or 
even in override settings in particular Thickboxes (useful for different 
forms to Thickboxes on one page):

These are the defaults:

i18n: {
     close: { text: 'Close', title: 'Close this window' },
     count: { text: 'Image #{image} of #{count}'},
     next: { text: 'Next', title: 'Show next image' },
     prev: { text: 'Previous', title: 'Show previous image' },
     confirm: { what: 'Are you sure?', confirm: 'Yes', cancel: 'No' }

I'm all open for better suggestions, I'm not even a native english speaker.

The string "Image #{image} of #{count}" becomes "Image 3 of 4" of 
course. You can construct your own with the replaced variables, like 
'Showing #{image} of #{count} total.' or '#{image}/#{count}'...

Set defaults like:

     i18n: {
         confirm: { what: 'Please confirm', confirm: 'Okay', cancel: 
'Back' }

-- Klaus

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