Just to let you know the latest release seems to have caused an issue
with the jScrollpane plugin whereby it crashes Safari on mac, for now
I would stick with the previous release of jQuery until the plugin has
been updated. I have notified Kelvin of the problem, hope he can fix
it it's a great plugin!

On 28/02/07, John Resig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Everyone -
> The release of jQuery 1.1.2 is upon us! This is a another bug fix
> release. We've fixed a number of outstanding issues. The fixes have
> been tested well, so there shouldn't be any regressions (knock on
> wood). The most noticeable issue that was resolved was related to
> animation flickers when doing a slideDown.
> It is highly recommended that you upgrade.
> As always, if you have any questions or concerns with new release,
> please feel free to discuss it on the jQuery Mailing List. If you
> think you've spotted a bug, please add it to the bug tracker:
> http://dev.jquery.com/newticket
> Download
> Compressed JavaScript (Recommended Download!)
> http://jquery.com/src/jquery-1.1.2.pack.js
> Uncompressed JavaScript
> http://jquery.com/src/jquery-1.1.2.js
> Full Release (jQuery, Test Suite, Documentation)
> http://jquery.com/src/jquery-1.1.2.release.zip
> Build Files (Compile your own version of jQuery 1.1.2)
> http://jquery.com/src/jquery-1.1.2.build.zip
> Bug Fixes
> The most important bug fixes, relevant to this release, are as follows:
> * Change: Event handlers (like element.onclick) are now removed when
> no more functions are bound to the event.
> * Fixed: DOM Manipulations for form elements.
> * Fixed: jQuery.isFunction to return false on nodes.
> * Fixed: jQuery.className.has, escaping regex characters in className
> (for metadata)
> * Fixed: an issue in IE where an event on a cloned element is fired
> during a .clone() inside of an event handler.
> * Fixed: IE ID selectors selecting by the name attribute.
> * Changed: Events are now internally stored in elem.$events rather
> than elem.events (due to a nasty bug relating to DOM 0 expandos).
> * Changed: .attr('href') is now consistent in all browsers.
> * Changed: @href is now consistent in all browsers.
> * Fixed: the slideDown flickering bug.
> * Fixed: Having a \r endline in $("...") caused a never-ending loop.
> * Fixed: IE6 AJAX memory leak
> * Fixed: bug in pushStack, reporting an element at [0] in a jQuery
> object with length 0
> Documentation
> Additionally, the documentation has been back-ported out of the wiki
> and into the API docs. All of the documentation resources have been
> updated in respect to the 1.1.2 release.
> Official Documentation:
> * http://docs.jquery.com/
> API Browsers:
> * http://jquery.bassistance.de/api-browser/
> * http://jquery.com/api/
> Leading up to jQuery 1.1.3...
> This may seem like a fairly light bug fix release, but we're gearing
> up to the release of jQuery 1.1.3. A number of outstanding bugs (about
> 5-10) require significant changes to how jQuery works, internally
> (specifically, in relation to events and animations). We want to make
> *100% certain* that there are no regressions made to these important
> pieces of code.
> We have patches nearly ready (animation is ready, events is in the
> works) - and when that's the case, we're going to release a preview of
> the 1.1.3 code so that everyone can test against it.
> Announcements:
> * http://jquery.com/blog/2007/02/27/jquery-112/
> * http://www.learningjquery.com/2007/02/jquery-112-released
> --John
> _______________________________________________
> jQuery mailing list
> discuss@jquery.com
> http://jquery.com/discuss/

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