Hi Brad,

This was hotly debated on another list I'm on - whether it's possible to 
execute javascript that's been inserted by an AJAX (or AJAH) call.  Since 
you're doing it after the $(document).ready has been fired, it doesn't know 
to bind the click method.  Like I said I'm a noob too so don't take my word 
for anything!  Maybe this is where the .load method comes in, or you have to 
somehow fire $(document).ready a second time.

There are some serious javascript gunslingers on this list who will 
undoubtedly have an answer, but I think they're mostly in Europe and so are 
probably soundly asleep. ;0)

-- Josh

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Brad Perkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "jQuery Discussion." <discuss@jquery.com>
Sent: Friday, March 02, 2007 4:02 PM
Subject: Re: [jQuery] Bind event to radio button group

> Josh,
> After further testing this doesn't appear to work with IE6 (or Safari).
> Your technique for binding the radio buttons works in the main page,
> but it appears that any javascript returned via the ajax call is
> ignored by IE6 (and also by Safari).
> BTW, my AJAX stuff is really AJAH (returning HTML). I'm not setting a
> response type server side. Could that be the problem?
> -- Brad
> ps - I notice that all other posts from this list have [jQuery] in the
> subject. I figured the mailing list automatically included that, but
> this thread doesn't have it.
> On 3/2/07, Josh Nathanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > If I return your examples with the AJAX content the bind works. Is
>> > there a better way to do that?
>> AFAIK that's the only way to do it, if your radio buttons only appear 
>> after
>> an AJAX call.  But, I am a noob myself, so don't take my word for it!
>> -- Josh
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