Thanks for explanation! This what I need too ;-).

But I really need context menu(I hope I write it correct),
I mean menu which we see on right mouse click.
On google docs page(copy/paste/etc ..)

> On 07/03/2007, at 1:52 AM, Denis wrote:
>> Can you please share working context menu example?
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>> jQuery mailing list

> Hi Denis,

> I am thinking you may be meaning my Page Contents Menu plugin (rather
> than 'context'). Here are two working examples where I have used it
> on clients' sites:

> The first example uses it to make a long news page easier to navigate
> whilst also providing an overview of the separate news stories at the
> top of the page. I have combined the plugin with an animated scroll
> effect (when you click a link) which complements it nicely as it  
> shows the user where on the page they are being taken. The scroll  
> effect comes from Interface.
> The plugin is used on a few other pages of that site also. This  
> example highlights a strength of the idea in that if a page is  
> regularly updated (as the Preshil news page is), the list is  
> automatically updated to reflect the new content it is built from, so
> the list never needs to be manually maintained. Here is the code I  
> use to invoke the plugin on the news page:

> $("body.diar, body.fees, body.pol")/*targets pages that I want to  
> apply a menu to*/
>         .find("#main h2")       /*targets the page elements I want the list
> created from*/
>         .contentMenu({ /*invokes plugin passing in options object to
> override some defaults*/
>                 "aClass":"scrolls",
>                 "divClass":"alert"
>         });

> The second example shows the plugin used on an FAQ page to summarise
> the questions and provide links to the relevant answers. No added  
> scroll effect here, but it could benefit from it as I think the  
> sudden jump after clicking a link is disorienting.
> Here is the code I use to invoke the plugin on the FAQ page:

> $("body.faq"). /*targets pages that I want to apply a menu to*/
>         find("#main dt"). /*this time the list is created from dt elements*/
>         contentMenu({
>                 "head":"", /*no separate heading needed for this list*/
>                 "insertTarget":$("#main dl.module:eq(0)") /*custom target to 
> insert
> menu before*/
>         });

> My apologies for not providing a decent demo page yet - I plan to  
> when I get a break in my work schedule.

> Hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any suggestions or  
> questions. Oh, and if you actually did mean 'context menu', just  
> ignore all of this ;)

> Joel Birch.

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> jQuery mailing list

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