> $("table").mattsTables({ // TableWide options > ... Why this as opposed to putting simple class names in the table like <table class="table-autosort table-autofilter table-autopage:20 table-rowshade:alternate ..."> .. <th class="table-sort:numeric table-filterable"> ?
> dateofbirth: {sortable:true, datatype:"date",filter:true, filtertype: > "mm/yyyy" //creates 2 dropdowns }, I don't think any generalized solution is going to give you options like this. But in my code, I give the option to filter by matching a string, a regular expression, or by evaluation a function. You may have to manually create your filters in this case, but almost anything would be possible. Perhaps some pre-defined common filters would be in order. Matt ps: You're welcome to email me personally if you wish. I don't know if there is list-wide interest in this topic or not, as it is not very jquery-ish at the moment. _______________________________________________ jQuery mailing list discuss@jquery.com http://jquery.com/discuss/