Chris Domigan wrote:
> Hi everyone
> The first version of my new ContextMenu plugin has been released. You
> can grab it here:
Hi again Chris,

One (fairly specific) bug report:  for my particular application[*], I
use client-side imagemaps with events attached to them to select items
on a server-drawn image and pop up a properties box. I just tried adding
context-menus to this, since it'd be a pretty nice addition.

It seems that in IE6, you can't attach context menus to AREA tags, but
in Firefox and Safari you can. Regular click events do work, because
that's what I use currently for my properties popup. I am planning to
add draggable elements to the map though, so I was hoping to push what
is currently a click into a context menu, to save me having to figure
out if the user is clicking, double-clicking or dragging.

Of course, it's quite possible this is an IE6 wierdness, or even the
spec. I find that AREA is the poor cousin in HTML/DOM docs generally.



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