Hey Jörn,

I think it's totally cool that someone with your level of expertise, someone whose coding prowess I aspire to, also has the self- confidence to post such a question!

Anyway, the distinction between newbie and expert is, in my opinion, irrelevant nearly all of the time. Much more important than "expertise," for developers at least, are intelligence and creativity. And from everything I've seen from you on this list, your blog, and your plugins, you have a lot of both. :-)

Karl Swedberg

On Mar 13, 2007, at 6:25 PM, Jörn Zaefferer wrote:

Nathan Young -X (natyoung - Artizen at Cisco) schrieb:
I think knowing what "this" is and being able to use it appropriately is pretty critical.

I think never having given a flying *** about self and having no idea what it is, is totally natural and not indicative of anything.

Thanks all for your replies.

I agree that knowing about self isn't critical, but its also true that
these are the details that an "expert" should know about. Thanks for
enlightening me :-)

Jörn Zaefferer


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