I liked tabstruct!  :)

Thanks for the update.


On 3/22/07, Kenneth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Excellent work!

On 3/22/07, Klaus Hartl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> All,
> I've just committed an update for Tabs. I've added a few requested
> features and fixed some quirks.
> * tabStruct option deprecated.
> For a little more flexibility regarding the HTML structure required for
> a tab interface you can now add certain classes to the unordered list
> and the tab containers. If no classes are present, the default structure
> is used.
> Say you need a div wrapped around each the ul and the containers, just
> do:
> <div id="container">
>      <div>
>          <ul class="tabs-nav">
>              ...
>          </ul>
>      </div>
>      <div>
>          <div id="fragment-25" class="tabs-container">
>              ...
>          </div>
>          <div id="fragment-26" class="tabs-container">
>              ...
>          </div>
>          <div id="fragment-27" class="tabs-container">
>              ...
>          </div>
>      </div>
> </div>
> That means, as long as you attach these classes to the proper elements,
> you can go crazy with your HTML. The class names are configurable.
> * Necessary classes are attached by the plugin if not present.
> * Retrieve active tab from class in HTML
> If for some reason you cannot specify the active tab in the
> initialization, you can also simply add the class to the HTML, like:
> <li class="tabs-selected">...</li>
> Please note that a given hash in the URL will take precedence and the
> class will be removed if the active tab doesn't match. So:
> hash overrules class overrules argument initial
> * Switching tabs is canceled if the onClick callback returns false
> (useful if switching tabs requires form validation before). Thanks to
> Brice Burgess for the help with that.
> * Triggering/Enabling/Disabling tabs can also be done via id instead of
> an index:
> $('#tabs').triggerTab(1);
> is the same as
> $('#tabs').triggerTab('section-1');
> * Fixed a bug occuring when multiple Ajax tabs containers are included
> on the same page, e.g. duplicate ids. Remote tabs are now numbered
> consecutively.
> * New option hashPrefix for constructing the hash the link's href
> attribute of a remote tab gets altered to, such as "#remote-tab-1".
> * Finally they're looking better :-)
> * Moved more stuff to SVN...
> * Fixed a few IE quirks introduced with the Ajax support. Along with
> that goes an update for the History plugin where I've fixed a similiar
> quirk in IE and Safari.
> I consider this the last maintenance release for the tabs. After I've
> tackled Thickbox Reloaded I'm going to rewrite Tabs for Tabs 3, which
> will allow mixed static/Ajax tabs, removing and creating tabs,
> mouseover tabs...
> As usual you can find it here as well:
> http://stilbuero.de/jquery/tabs/
> Ah, and if anybody knows a fix for IE's cleartype issue, please let me
> know!
> -- Klaus
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