Rob Wilkerson schrieb:
> I just downloaded this to give it a shot and it looks great, but I
> have a couple of questions:
> 1.  I have a dark background that the tabs have to sit atop.  The
> background image for tabs appears not to be transparent.
> 2.  The tabs appear to be fixed width - maybe due to the image size?
> I need to fit "Creative Survey" and "Survey Results" on two separate
> tabs.  I can't find a way to do that without wrapping.
> Am I missing something?  I've played with the CSS and opened up the
> unpacked JS file to look at other options I might be able to set.
> Thanks.

Rob, the CSS that is provided is only an example to start with. I cannot 
take any possible circumstance into account.

For flexible width tabs you would have to split the tab image into at 
least two parts. Make the left part really wide. Then add another span 
into the <a> and declare the right end of the tab as background image 
for this <span> element. This only works if the images are not 
transparent, that's why I didn't do it in the first place but then 
skipped the splitting due to overwhelming lazyness ;-)

You may also be interested in the "sliding doors" technique:

-- Klaus

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