Juha Suni schrieb:
> Maybe I'm missing something but I don't see the difficulty here.
> There's definately no need to do excessive core hacking or chaining of 
> mouseover and mouseout...
> Why not just:
> function myFunction()
> {
>  $(this).append(' hover!');
> }
> And then:
> $('#hoverelem').hover(myFunction,myFunction);
> or... ?
> Same goes with other jQuery event functions that takes functions as 
> parameters. They don't necessarily need to be dynamic and defined right 
> then and there, you can just provide a pointer to the function instead. 
> If you want to pass in additional parameters, most likely stuff that you 
> can't get from the targeted element (this) or the event object, then you 
> might need to wrap some stuff in a dynamic function.

Another pattern for this would be a function that returns a function (or 
maybe you meant that with "dynamic function"):

function myFunction(s) {
     return function() {

$('#hoverelem').hover(myFunction('foo'), myFunction('bar'));

-- Klaus

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