Pardon me if this question has been asked before. I am developing a new line of 
Carpentry-like lessons and I am quite confused by the license maze out there, 
when it comes to adopting or incorporating materials from other sources into 
Carpentries lesson. I am taking any Carpentry lesson as a straw man. These 
lessons use “CC-BY 4.0” license (which is lenient in my opinion). Other 
lessons, for example, Code Refinery’s lesson 
(  are using a more restrictive license, 
which is “CC-BY-SA 4.0”. Can we actually take a piece of CC-BY-SA materials and 
include it in a greater work that is licensed by CC-BY? Assuming that perhaps 
the piece coming from CC-BY-SA will still be under CC-BY-SA, and not the CC-BY 
governing the rest of the work. Is this possible?

Related to the question above: Has anyone ever worked with other people in 
adopting their materials and relicensing under CC-BY? What experience that you 
can share? Are people generally willing to accept such a request?

Why I am asking these questions here? Things such as figures, tables, and code 
snippets can sometimes hard to come by and if we can leverage what others have 
made, all the better, rather than us also spending a lot of time remaking them 
just because of incompatible license.

Wirawan Purwanto
Computational Scientist
Research Computing Services / Information Technology Services
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA 23529

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