Robert Heller wrote:

> Normally, with systemd-resolved running /etc/resolv.conf is NOT an editable
> file, but a symlink to a file under systemd-resolved control, and usually
> systemd-resolved is running its own caching only name server (dmasq?) ...

Kenneth Porter wrote:

>Whether it's managed or not, CUPS is going to consult it when it uses 
>the resolver APIs in glibc. So you should be able to cat it to see what 
>the resolver APIs will use.

Running "systemctl stop systemd-resolved" did not change the problem.
On this system, /etc/resolv.conf is NOT a symlink. It contains only a
single reference to the local BIND9 and a search statement with one
Dave Close, Compata, Irvine CA     "What right does Congress have to go, +1 714 434 7359   around making laws just because they          deem it necessary?" -- Marion Barry

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