Kenneth Porter wrote:

>> nsswitch.conf contains:
>>    hosts: files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] resolve dns myhostname
>Using .local for your LAN and putting mdns4_minimal before resolve and 
>dns is probably part of the issue. mdns4_minimal is probably 
>intercepting the query. What it does with it is anyone's guess.
>You could try changing the order in nsswitch.conf but long-term, try 
>using a different TLD for your LAN. IANA recently proposed using 
>.internal for that. (I've been using .lan after my company name.)

Thanks. I simplified nsswitch.conf to just "host: files dns" and the
problem seems to be resolved. (Time will tell.)

Changing the TLD will take some time and care but that seems like a
good idea. Thanks!
Dave Close, Compata, Irvine CA      "You get whatever accomplishment, +1 714 434 7359    you are willing to declare."           -- Georgia O'Keeffe

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