Two points.

1. I screwed up the name — Martin Bochnig is who should be banned.  Martin
Sustrik is another guy I know and named by accident here.  (For the record,
Sustrik is a great guy, creator of nanomsg and zeromq… I hope he forgives
me for my screw up here!)

2. I think the ban against Martin *Bochnig* should include a ban against
accepting any contributions from him, either directly or indirectly, into
our code base.

 - Garrett

On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 3:28 PM, Garrett D'Amore <> wrote:

> I’m requesting a formal lifetime ban be placed Martin.  The basis for
> this, beyond the abuse he’s heaped on many other people, is his most recent
> expression for my family and I to meet a violet end.   This is bordering on
> the line of a direct threat, and neither I nor anyone else in this
> community should be subjected to such intolerable behavior.
> He’s been warned repeatedly in the past, and his actions of late have
> demonstrated that he has not learned, and is basically incapable of civil
> conversation.
> The thread below was the end of a thread where he was sending mail to me
> (and a number of others) with his anti-US propaganda.  I tried to be
> respectful and told him to please stop.  My last reply is indicated below,
> as well his response.
> For the record, Martin has earned a permanent block in my email filter as
> well.
>  - Garrett
> [image: Idle] Dan Kruchinin
> [image: Idle] Jordan Schwartz
> [image: Idle] Natalia Stefansson
> [image: Offline] Alexander Eremin
> [image: Offline] Jason Yoho
> [image: Offline] Mikhail Tcymbaliuk
> Evgeniya D'Amore
> illumos-dev
> nanomsg/nanomsg
> Robert Mustacchi
> More
> *1* of *many*
> [image: Expand all]
> [image: Print all]
> [image: In new window]
> odessa strangled raped pregnant woman (May 2nd 2014)
> Inbox
> x
> Martin Bochnig
> Good luck to all mainstream people and you to live with your guilt. odessa
> st...
> [image: Attachments]2:49 PM (38 minutes ago)
> Garrett D'Amore <>
> 3:00 PM (27 minutes ago)
> to Martin
> Cease and desist from emailing me… this crap.
> On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 2:49 PM, Martin Bochnig <> wrote:
>> Good luck to all mainstream people and you to live with your guilt.
>> odessa strangled raped woman (May 2nd 2014)
>> <>
>> biw=1268&bih=845&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiW7-mQ
>> <>
>> The truth about what happened in Odessa, Ukraine: How Bandera psychopaths
>> murdered, raped and burned people alive with the blessing of the Western
>> powers
>> pened-in-Odessa-Ukraine-How-Bandera-psychopaths-murdered-rap
>> ed-and-burned-people-alive-with-the-blessing-of-the-Western-powers
>> <>
>> Martin from US occupied East-Berlin
> Martin Bochnig
> 3:09 PM (18 minutes ago)
> to me
> You call this "crap"??
> I wish you you end like this.
> Because that's what you and your family deserve(s).
> It can't be too bad, huhh - provided that your sorts call it all just
> "crap".
> So, ENJOY HELL my friend.

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