Hi folks,

  We’ve run into an odd issue that seems concerning.

  Our shop runs OpenIndiana and we’ve got several versions in play.  Recently 
while testing a new system which is much more recent (bleeding edge OI Hipster 
release) we discovered that zfs sends to older systems caused hangs.  By older, 
we’re talking same zfs/zpool versions of 5/28 and no visible properties 

  Can provide more info if told what is useful; but the gist is that:

  Zfs send of a vanilla dataset (no properties defined other than defaults) to 
any “older” system causes the recv to hang, eventually the host will crash.  
Truss’ing the recvr process doesn’t seem to give a lot of info as to the cause. 
 Filesystem snapshot is received; and then that’s it.

No fancy send or recv args in play (zfs send dataset  via netcat or mbuffer or 
ssh to a recv –v <dest>. 

  A close comparision of zfs and pool properties shows no difference.  On a 
whim we even created pools and datasets that were downversioned below the 

 We’ve seen this in hosts a bit later than: illumos-a7317ce   but not before 
(and certainly a bit later); and where we are now: illumos-2816291.

Oddly illumos-a7317ce systems appear to be able to receive these datasets just 
fine…and we’ve had no problems with systems of that vintage sending to older 

Any ideas and instruction is most welcome,


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