The simplest way is to show the users a set of emot-icons e.g. *:)* (happy),
*:| *(neutral),
*:( *(sad), *:s *(yucks!, bad), *:p *(oops!, confusing), etc. Ofcourse this
has to graphically treated (try yahoo or msn icons). Once the user completes
a task, he/she can circle/tick the appropriate task i mmediately .

Using video recording and later analyzing their facial expressions during
their tasks is the best and safest method. Keep in mind the 'Think Aloud'
approach. But one needs to understand a bit of human physcology/ emotions to
factually capture the data. Oh, it can be tiresome too.

Rony Philip
Associate Manager, User Experience Group

On 11/2/07, Juan Ruiz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > For clarity, could you tell us whether you're looking for something
> that provides feedback in real time the way, say, a lie-detector might
> work?
> Yes, I'm looking for something in real time, rather than asking the user
> at the end of the test what they thought of the application. As Robert H
> said, once users understood the process, they might change their
> ratings.
> I'm looking for a tool, (no idea of how it could be design, or if it
> exists) that will measure the frustration of the user while he interacts
> with the application. It could be that we either manually input the
> data, or somehow the tool is able to measure the frustration (probably
> this is asking for too much, and it shouldn't be like a lie detector,
> too many cables, it will scare the user).
> I do think that manually inputting the data is more feasible, for
> example, a plus / minus button to increase / decrease the frustration?
> Are there any tools in the market?
> Have you tried to collect this type of data in real time?
> -Juan
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