Fellow IxDA Members,

In about two weeks, the IxDA Board of Directors will come together for
our annual Board Meeting. At this meeting our board members
(http://gamma.ixda.org/about_leadership.php) come together to plan for
IxDA's future. These meetings are vitally important to our

    * At our first retreat in 2005, we established our mission, and
decided to incorporate our organization.
    * At our second retreat in 2006, we identified two key initiatives
to focus on—our recently launched web site, and our forthcoming
conference, Interaction08.
    * Our next retreat will be in November 2007—the end of this month.
We're writing now to share our plans and get your input.

At this upcoming retreat, we expect to focus on a variety of topics, including

    * reviewing day-to-day operations, (finances, IT, and legal.)
    * reviewing ongoing initiatives, (the conference, Local Groups, etc)
    * reviewing governance and leadership plans

But most importantly, we will spend the majority \of our time
envisioning the future of the organization. In that light, we'd love
to hear from you. In particular, we plan to discuss:

    * the Local Groups program—how can we encourage and strengthen
this key initiative?
    * our leadership and governance—how can we cultivate leadership
within the community? Where will future initiative and board members
be found?
    * our Web Site and our electronic Community of Practice—what's
next for this critical hub of our community?

Please take a few moments to share your thoughts with us. If you
answered our recent survey, thank you for your input! If not, please
write to us, on list or off.
You can contact us off-list at info (at) ixda (dot) org.

We will of course share the results of the Retreat with you all.

Thank you very much for being a part of this fantastic group, and
thank you in advance for your participation!

Robert Reimann
Interaction Design Association (IxDA)

Associate Creative Director
frog design
Seattle, WA
*Come to IxDA Interaction08 | Savannah*
February 8-10, 2008 in Savannah, GA, USA
Register today: http://interaction08.ixda.org/

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