Hi You Le,

I think your project is a very interesting and worthwhile one, and
frankly one that IxDA has not paid close enough attention to, in my

It has come up a few times on the list:

Also, see these resources:

ACM Digital library - CHI 07 presentation on sustainable interaction
design (I saw this presentation and it was quite good, I suggest
contacting the author of this paper). http://tinyurl.com/32n2f8

Web page of author above: http://tinyurl.com/yrfl6f

Blog entry about two references above: http://tinyurl.com/ynlqpl

Hope this is helpful. Good luck, and please keep the list posted on
your progress and results.


On Nov 29, 2007 9:43 PM, You Le Chong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am an Interaction Design student from the Umea Institute of Design in
> Sweden.
> I am taking my master degree in Interaction Design and am now preparing for
> my graduation project, which will last for 20 weeks starting from
> 20thJanuary 2008.
> The theme I want to develop is: What could be the role of Interaction Design
> in Sustainability?
> Here is a link to my project goals:
> http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2075/2074280267_ed119bfc81_o.jpg
> My directions in this topic are still fuzzy and I need more concrete studies
> before I nail down my project scope, here are some leads that I may use, but
> nothing is defined yet:
> Most people nowadays are aware of the importance of environmental
> sustainability, but how to involve them more?
> How to make people willingly participate into environment sustainability?
> How to give a significant feedback or obvious visibility to the people when
> they participate in ecological practice?
> I would like to have your feedback on the theme that I have selected.
> I would also like to know, does sustainability affect any of your design
> decision making?
> If you have any information related to the theme, I would be delighted to
> know.
> Last but not least, I am also looking for sponsorship. If anyone knows
> companies which may be interested in sponsoring my study (or maybe one of
> you), any information is gladly welcome.
> Thanks,
> You Le
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