Hi Youle,

Very good observation that people behavior is important. I would even say
that people not only have to be involved, but they must actually drive the
change towards sustainability. I would put it like this:

People's *attitude* towards sustainability can be positively influenced by:
 - catastrophes caused by climate change; their lives being affected
 - anticipation of these catastrophes and/or their lives being affected; the
impact here depends on how credible the message is and how well it's
delivered (see IPCC and Al Gore <http://almaz.com/nobel/2007-prizes.html>)
 - their friends, as Marijke put it. This is a very good point: when acting
sustainably gains enough weight to become a sign of moral status, everyone
will aspire to it.

People's *behavior* can change when:
 - they have the right *attitude
 - *they have the right enablers (products, services, communities) for a
sustainable behavior

People's behavior, in the end, can drive the change, because, well, we
provide for the user, right? If enough people change, the industry will have
to change too.

So, when it comes to people and sustainability, we can either *help change
attitudes*, or e*nable behavior* once the right attitude is in place. And
both pieces need working on.
That's how I think about it, at least.


> But, to make it works we need the participation from the people
> (user). Now products designs are emerging into human centered design.
> If we make a little shift in this, and achieve sustainability not
> through material or manufacturing but through behaviour of people
> around products, what will happen?
> If we could have the ability to make a little change on people
> behaviour, maybe we could stimulate the people by influencing them
> rather than taking over control.

Sergiu Sebastian Tauciuc
*Come to IxDA Interaction08 | Savannah*
February 8-10, 2008 in Savannah, GA, USA
Register today: http://interaction08.ixda.org/

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