I think dabs.com takes faceted navigation to the extreme
*Their "refine your selection" box takes up the entire screen.
That said, I've seen first hand how it proves very popular with sysadmins,
allowing them to quickly eliminate irrelevant choices.
*A common trend is to select a price bucket, however I've rarely seen these
used (in either user testing or analytics work). Maybe it's just the areas
I've worked in, but people rarely seem to think "I want to spend at least
$1000", and in most cases the top end is slightly flexible (i.e. "My limit
is $1500, but if there is a excellent model for $1550 I'll check it out")


On Tue, 4 Dec 2007 01:44:38, Bruno Figueiredo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I also like the way that Comet deals with faceted navigation:
> http://www.comet.co.uk.
> They are using Endeca (http://endeca.com/) which is a pretty big
> vendor of faceted navigation software. From my experience it works
> well, since it builds the facets automatically (with a little help).
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