Jeff, I'm not suggesting one definition is generally better than the
other. The philosophical and the implementation views compliment each
other.  O'Reilly succinctly described what the new technologies were
enabling, at a high level. I do believe the perspective put forward
by Spivak helps us look at the layer down from O'Reilly to
understand what was, is and might be. And, in the context of this
thread, help us decide objectively if a flash site can be described
as having 2.0-like functionality or just brochureware in shinny 2.0
styling. I feel its very much the latter.

I used the word alternate, as in perspective, not opposing view.  I
could have phrased that better.

Now, you said "All the rest is bells and whistles, much ado about
nothing"  I think its a little more chicken and egg than that.  You
cant have "data and who owns and controls, or gives the best access
to, a class of data."  without the underlying technology to enable
that.  And until we see what is made of the underlying nuts and
bolts, we wont be able to predict what the next burst in innovation
will be.   Nova's model helped him predict where things are heading:  and I believe he's on the money.

"Emerging technologies on the Web don't evolve in a straight line"
 The Spivak graph plots complexity against time, similar to Moores Law
and in line with the general continuous evolution of technology.  Of
course nothing evolves in a straight line.  

"A better mental model might be based on atomic models in chemistry
%u2014 the periodic table" And the periodic table was used to
predict elements that did not occur naturally.  I accept the graph is
overly simplistic but reject that its fundamentally flawed in
capturing what is 2.0 and what might be 3.0, 4.0 etc  I've yet to
see a better infograph of what leads to singularity.

take care, p

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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