Ok, back to Andrei ...

Digital vs. Software. Ok, then we are in agreement. I was thinking of
"software" more specifically, meaning that which is presented
through a screen, but if you want software to mean anything running
through silicon, great. Of course, a lot happens on the firmware
level and I'm not sure you expect prototypers to be working on
firmware when they are doing prototyping, right? I was thinking of
software as that which is "touchable" by the end-user, and exists
within UI Frameworks, not all software. I mean my car has software,
but I don't really think of it is "soft" as it is all embedded on
ROMs. Even my Radio/CD player/iPod Interface in my Car has a
"screen" of LEDs, but I wouldn't consider this "software design"
though it is definitely in the realm of non-production prototyping,
really easily (BTW, this horrible system is an example of the
eco-system design most needing of an interaction designer and NOT an
interface designer, but that's a long story.)

But if in your mind, its all "software" then we are in agreement
about scope. We are also in agreement about the "agnostic" piece as

Part of the reason for my take is that I just got out of a
conversation with my manager who was reacting to my piece on Core77
based on his 20-30 odd years experience as a practicing industrial
designer where "interactions" was a core component to the solutions
he worked on, whether it was a vacuum cleaner, a bank teller machine,
or many other devices that were designed and used way before the
ubiquity of the transistor in everything in the world.

I think the other aspect of the discussion is that I think, knowing
what you expect in terms of coding skills, you are limiting your
hiring to people who work on "screen software" design. I mean, what
is the purpose of having good PHP/JavaScript skills if you are
designing a TV remote control. You'll never be doing the type of
prototyping you have discussed in previous postings. You CAN! do
prototyping of a remote control with those skills, but they would not
be at the level of fidelity that I've heard you mention before. They
would be more akin to abstractions, and not representative of
real-use, so I think that is what has skewed my interpretation of
your message of "software".

But it sounds like we are good! Now I'm sure there are others on
this list who would like to think of interaction design more
generically. But I think once you leave the digital world of some
sort of transistors, you are just talking about "design" generally
or maybe 'experience' design.

We'll see.

-- dave

-- dave

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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