Just today I had to use a registration process that was so abysmally bad
that I felt I needed to share.  I'm one of the (apparently many) people here
who've switched from Mac to PC and one of my clients requires a Cisco client
to access their VPN.
So I head over to Cisco.com to find out if they have a Mac version. Click on
Support, then click on Download Software, then click on VPN software. So
far, so good.

Uh-oh, I have to register before I can find out if they have what I want.
Well, OK, I need it for work. But I have to pick now between "Registered
Guest" and "Registered Customer". Hmmm. Guest sounds faster, so I choose

I click the Register Now button and I get a drop down list of languages next
to a "Choose Language" label. Then my name, email, email again, and...
another dropdown for "Language Preference". What?? Didn't I just answer

Now they want a user name, but instead of being able to use my regular one,
they require it be at least 9 characters (but no more than 50 - now who has
a 50 character user name?)

Then there's a bunch of stuff letting me choose not to be spammed. So I say
"no" to all the emails they so generously want to send me, and I leave the
email preferences (HTML or text) choice blank - because I don't want any
email. But no, email format preference is required. Argh.

On to Page 2 of 6 (sigh). Enter my address, my phone number, my job role.
Weirdly I have to enter my country as part of my address, and then select my
country code as part of my phone number. I don't know about you, but my
phone is typically in the same country as me. Is this a computer company?
Can they look this stuff up?  Next...

Page 3 of 6 - My "Interests and Preferences" Right now I would prefer not to
have to deal with this dumb registration process. Oh look, they're asking me
what language I prefer. Didn't I answer that twice before? Happily there is
a Skip this Step button at the bottom.

Page 4 or 6 - Two security questions. Ok, I fill out one and click Submit.
But oh, no. They say I must fill them both out. I guess I might forget the
name of my first pet and have to fall back to my favorite car.

Page 5 of 6 - fill out your password. OK, I enter in my usual password for
stuff I don't care about. Nope, I read the rules and (no kidding) here's
what they require:

   - a minimum of 8 alphanumeric characters
   - both upper and lowercase characters (a-z, A-Z)
   - at least one numeral
   - have at least one symbol ([EMAIL PROTECTED]&*)

At this point I give up in disgust. I am a beaten man. There's just no way
their crummy VPN client software is worth this. I'll use the old PC for
getting access.

And that, my friends, is how to design a registration process so secure, so
Byzantine that you'll never be bothered by those pesky users ever again.

Thanks for letting me get that off my chest.

Michael B. Moore • Pure InfoDesign • 415.246.6690 M • www.pureinfodesign.com
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