I would agree that the term is less than perfectly communicative but
from my own opinion I think this has come from Normans second
interpretation of the term and where 'perceived affordances' has
dirtied the waters and where Norman  has openly admitted that has had
to spend much time in clarifying his own interpretation. 

I believe thats where the problems have risen in discipline of IxD
both terms by Gibson and Norman are being used and applied, however I
would always recommend going back to the original term and the
understanding as set out by Gibson, as many a time the term
affordance is used to actually mean symbolic communication.

So I am of the opinion to ever use only one to and to ensure that  
that the clarity of the term(it was recommended by a friend to use a
drum to explain the concept too and what a affordances a drum
provides, and move away from a door which I have found helpful in
communicating the idea) as I truly believe affordances can provide a
real insight for designers. 

Some really helpful material I have used if your interested further: 

Gaver, W. (1996).  Affordances for interaction:  The social is
material for design.  Ecological Psychology, 8(2).

Gaver, W. (1991).  Technology affordances. Proceedings of CHI, 1991 
(New Orleans, Lousiana, USA, April 28 - May 2, 1991)  ACM, New York. 

Joanna McGrenere  and Wayne Ho  (2000)"Affordances: Clarifying and
Evolving a Concept", Graphics Interface,   pg "179--186"

The use of affordances by Sellen & Harper in the book the myth of the
paperless office I have also found as a good application of the term
in understanding paper. 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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