Am I just retarded or is the canvases window in the new OmniGraffle  
really confusing? The icons next to each layer only tell you which  
ones are NOT active, not the ones that are (i.e., visible icons  
indicate a negative, not a positive). And when you mouse over, a bunch  
of icons come up that are hidden under the cursor. I'm constantly  
selecting the wrong layers to show and hide because I can't tell  
what's going on, which makes me feel very dumb indeed.

Let the voting commence:

A.    [  ]  User is retarded
B.     [  ]  Layer icons are poorly implemented

-- Kim

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    Kim Bieler Graphic Design
    Office: 301-588-8555
    Mobile: 240-476-3129
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

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