Is Godaddy's business that bad? They seem to do a lot with very
little, and they have pretty stellar customer support.
In fact, every time I change, modify or register a domain, I get a
follow-up courtesy call from them to just "check in" and make sure I
didn't have any issues or follow-up items. I've never had a bad
experience with them to be honest. And, the follow-up calls are never
nagging up-sells... just customer service.

If we go back to the thread a month or so ago regarding how "customer
service" is one of the most vital aspects of user experience, than I'd
say Godaddy is right on the mark.

The Web site is ultimately JAM PACKED with stuff. I'd have to think,
however, that there is a clear business reason for this. They offer
cheap registration and hosting services, knowing that they need to do
some up-sells and product/service add-ons in order to make money. Yes
the process is a bit annoying, as each screen of the checkout process
asks if you want additional services, etc... And the UI is cluttered
and not extremely easy to use.

Having said that, does the Web site serve the business
needs of godaddy and the customer base? Does represent a
mix of both form and function necessary to support their business? We
want free cheapy domain registrations and hosting, but don't want to
be bothered by Godaddy's efforts to make profit? (That seems so
"american" to me).

My point being that design sometimes needs to support the business
initiatives that fun them, and Godaddy is a good example of this.

Are there other approaches to this? Sure there are. But is godaddy so
terrible that it is not usable? I wouldn't say so.

I will say that in my dealings with them, they've had great customer
support and seem to make an effort to address issues.

2 more cents for the pile,

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