On 5/19/08, Jeff Gimzek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On May 19, 2008, at 11:52 AM, Jeff Stevenson wrote:
>> The Pro version of OmniGraffle 5 is supposed to have better Visio
>> support (though I haven't tried it myself). Apparently, you can now
>> open normal Visio files (.vsd) instead of just Visio's XML format.
>> You can also import Visio stencils and templates.
>> It's on this page, third feature from the top:
>> http://www.omnigroup.com/applications/omnigraffle/pro/
Inspired by this thread, I just tried it. OmniGraffle does a great job of
opening VSD files, but when I exported to VXD so that Visio could read the
doc, it opened up IN GREEK. Not kidding. Also, background pages had
disappeared, but OG has been pulling that lovely trick forever.

OG is probably the better tool, but if you have to collaborate with Visio
users, it just plain won't work for you.

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