
I've lately come around to the idea that designers' sites can still be effective in Flash. Most of us don't really need to worry about SEO since we're getting business though referrals, not cold visits, and it does give you a chance to show off a little more.

But what I disagree with is a Flash introduction that has no relationship to the rest of the site. Especially if all it does is animate your name or some goofy tagline or waste my time loading the navigation in a sexy way. If you have a strong concept for the site and your Flash intro reinforces that concept in an extremely effective way, that is cool. And rare.

Most people coming to my site are just idle visitors or people who got there by mistake. I don't care about them. The people I do care about are qualified referrals -- people who heard about me from a friend or business associate. These are folks who need a designer and are checking the site to vet me before making a call. All my site needs to do is convince them to call me. (Insert caveats about the lame-ass state of my current website here...)

I'm guessing a snazzy Flash intro will convince the people who want one for THEIR site. But everyone else is going to be wondering, "Yeah, but has he got any experience designing for MY type of project?" My advice: skip the eye candy and cut to the chase. After all, isn't that what you'd advise clients to do?

On May 21, 2008, at 9:32 AM, Alan Wexelblat wrote:

Let's assume that you've done the proper work to provide a "Skip
Intro" button.  Let's further assume that you've done at least the
minimum to make your content accessible to people without the Flash

The question I ask, then, is: does having a Flash intro to a personal
site, which may include one's portfolio or resume, make sense in
today's job market and design environment?  Or does this brand the
designer as someone stuck in the last decade?

As usual, I suspect the answer is "it depends"; what I'm really
interested in is exploring issues around how we present ourselves in
online presences and the Flash-intro or Flash-site is a method I still
see from time to time, though not nearly as much as I used to.

Best regards,
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-- Kim

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   Kim Bieler Graphic Design
   c. 240-476-3129
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