My Research: Interaction Design and Experiential Factors

The  theme of this research is: IxD and Experiential Factors.

The considered experiential factors include (Learnability, usage,
error and feedback, Comfort, Collaboration, Affect, Guidence and
support, Accesability). Depending on the kind of product some factors
can become not applicable .

The boundries of IxD here are pretty much similar to those defined in
Dan saffer's IxD Relationship . I intend to device and experiment
with a strategy so that we are able to evalute interaction design.

Infact IXDA has been a great motivation to defend this theme and

We look into different categorial case studies with the focus on IxD
and associated factors (which I have termed as Experiential factors).
The evolving model (IxD and Experiential model) has so far been
applied to the following: Games, Digital pen and Paper and eLearning

The idea is to observe these factors to understand better the model
of IxD. This can ultimately help to give a measure of IxD as whole.
It can also help us to understand the reltaionship between different
activities in a produc and the product.

Interaction Design? what interaction design: I often tell people that
I am researching on interaction design and I want to be an Interaction
Designer. The reply is: Ahh what exactly? What you think on that?

Looking forward to suggesstions, critique and encouragement.
The images can be found at:

PS: I will be happy to provide more information. I would be pleased
to provide more information and results.
Anxiously waiting for yours replies.

PhD candidate INDACO, Politecnico Di Milano
Interaction Designer cum IT Consultant @ Centro Metid, Italy.

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