If it's not too late to chime in, :

%u2022 "basket" sounds like a good term for this add audience:
"add to basket"

%u2022 as important as the actual phrase might be some hand-holding
during the first few weeks after rolling out the buy function; t 
letting your audience know that:

* you can now buy things
* the rationale (user demand? 10% to the planet? shameless greed?)
behind the change

Also, pay close attention to the aesthetics of the cart/checkoiut
process, with helpful signposts, good forms, etc...All that will end
up being more important than the wording on the actual button, which
will quickly be ignored.

There are plenty of sites - etsy, threadless, etc... - that combine
commerce with a sense of play, whimsy etc... without sacrificing good
user experience.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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