Obviously this depends on what you are prototyping, but PowerPoint,
OpenOffice.org or Keynote are good for interactive prototypes. You
can put hyperlinks in there to jump to different slides - and
they're really quick to use. Keynote and PowerPoint can also export
to Flash. I think PowerPoint has an add-on somewhere that does the
same thing though I have not used it myself.

For desktop applications, visual studio works well on windows but
needs a little programming knowledge. You can download express
versions for nothing. MacIntosh has Xcode with which you can develop
more interactive prototypes. On Linux, there is wxGlade which is a
bit more complicated than Visual Studio but easy if you know Python. 

The free options aren't as commonly seen in IxD as you might think
but they can form part of a very powerful toolkit. The best bit is
that you probably have presentations software already on your
computer. I'm currently working on an idea for this Mozilla Concept
Series (http://labs.mozilla.com/projects/concept-series/) using one
for the initial prototype.

Another option which I know little about (but am going to learn) is
Adobe Flex Builder. You can then deploy interfaces for testing via
Air or Flex to browser or desktop respectively. And of course, there
is Flash.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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