It would be nice if it was available on Mac right now so I could try
it. I won't even open Windows for an exciting new app like this. 

Playing devil's advocate:

1. Do we really need a new Web browser (or Web application launcher)?
I think, and a lot of HTML/CSS folks might agree that we already have
a few too many. Chrome better be really designer/developer friendly.

2. It better be faster than Safari or IE and have more add-on than FF
or they're going to be hard pressed for market share. The success of
Android might be an exception.

3. They've got some serious catching up to do, so they better have a
killer app - or at least a killer reason for people to switch. Even
then most IE users won't be switching because the Internet is the
"E" icon. FF and Apple haven't gotten the core IE audience to
switch, so what can Google offer that will?

4. Security? Any word on security yet? Last thing I'm going to do my
online banking on is an early beta browser (Web app launcher).

All that stuff said. My real threshold is speed. If it renders sites
quicker than the competition and doesn't crash, I would consider
switching real quick.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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