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On Nov 1, 2008, at 6:10 PM, Elizabeth Bacon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dear heavens.

OK, guys, if we're going to "out" ourselves...I will reveal that I fundamentally don't believe a crowdsourcing model for DESIGN is even possible, much less advisable.

I believe that crowdsourcing can be helpful to garner ideas (e.g. that wepc thing at the top of this thread), identify requirements or brainstorm features (e.g. as Will did on the list the other day), and settle on shared definitions (e.g. wikipedia).

To me, however, crowdsourcing seems utterly antithetical to the act of designing. Design involves acts of conscious intention coupled with creative insight to bring coherence and order to a system. I strongly believe that design projects must have a strong lead to succeed, both at the design helm and the project management helm. Nowhere in the modern world can I think of any example of a group- mind, a crowd, moving towards greater systemic coherence and order without a strong individual or individuals at the helm guiding the crowd's thoughts and intentions.

Now in case you think I'm some "genius design" practitioner, bear in mind that my core IxD practices were forged at Cooper, a design consultancy that pioneered the use of personas and two-person teams to achieve design solutions. I am highly team-oriented, take pains to remove ego yet retain ingenuity in the design process, and believe that IxD benefits greatly from collaboration with other skilled practitioners as well as across disciplines.

That said, working on design problems and delivering solutions as a small team is not crowdsourcing.

Now, we may have a less radical disagreement here than I fear. Nasir wrote:

"I like the idea of crowdsourcing the design of this puppy. Suggestions on how to manage the process? Two challenges I see: # Of all projects with a self-referential design element, this one kinda takes the cake :-). # The temptation/risk of falling into a design-by-committee trap is high # Being designers, we could iterate and iterate until, like, the end of days

If we went with a crowdsourced model for the design, I'd propose going with the curated-crowdsourcing that Mozilla adopts. They have a public free-for-all tree, but the features that make it into Firefox, etc. have been cherry-picked by an architect and integrated into the codebase."

What Nasir is proposing is NOT crowdsourcing the IxD of the next- generation IxDA infrastructure, but crowdsourcing feature definitions and perhaps also brainstorming the way those features manifest in their form & behavior. And note that he also invokes the importance of having a lead designer to bring order to the system.

But here's my HUGE concern if we were to pursue this route. I strongly believe that needs some serious new infrastructure YESTERDAY. Our local groups began exploding in March, right after our first conference, and we haven't done jack squat for them except open up Basecamp projects and talk about things. Local group websites are now being developed piecemeal -- and they're all quite wonderful, but totally disconnected from each other & IxDA Global. Our general membership has also increased radically this year, and there's extremely little visibility that anybody has into or across this deep, valuable pool of individuals except for a freaking Mailman query the list administrators can do of how many subscribers we have!

Given that the board has already done requirements and feature definition over the last four months for the features that we want to deliver in very short order (namely again: 1) richer member profiles; 2) an event/calendar system; 3) local group micro- sites; 4) tools to help local group leaders) we'd be throwing ourselves back to the starting line. Furthermore, I'm quite sure that it would take a least a year from now for us to arrive at some group-mind agreement, much less achieve the *development and delivery* of whatever it is we conceived.

Therefore, I'm highly averse to pursuing a crowdsourcing effort on these areas from a scheduling perspective.

I want our organization to get serious about following through on its intentions by hiring professional development resources to meet our needs. Presently we are not closed to the option of purchasing a hosted solution, but are leaning towards an open-source CMS so that IxDA can really own the platform and give community members ways to further enhance the user experience. I aim to publish an RFP on these features in November, and we want to be able to launch solutions by the Interaction 09 conference. Can anyone seriously argue that these schedule targets are achievable if we were to pursue a crowdsourcing effort or seek pro-bono development support from within the open source community?

Please understand that I am confident that crowdsourcing ideas, requirements and feature definitions from within this amazing community of ours could provide us with some extremely innovative and powerful design concepts. So, let me make a suggestion. Perhaps a more appropriate design target to harness the great grassroots energy starting to be exhibited here is around the next generation of our DISCUSSION features. At the IxDA board retreat, the board identified this important area as nevertheless secondary to serving the local group and membership-oriented needs listed above. The infrastructure team also has given far less attention thus far on to how to bring up to speed in this arena. This design space would also include providing better tools for members to dynamically share perspectives & information and self-generate resources for the betterment of the community.

So how does that scope sound, Nasir, Dave, Will, al.? Please, do not derail our current effort.

Writing in pure agony at envisioning near-term delays,
yours truly,

Vice-President, IxDA /
CDO, Devise /

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