Hi Cyrus -

As you pointed out, I think SmugMug does a good job of selection with
the checkbox paradigm. It's somewhat more discoverable than
ctrl-click but only marginally, especially for non-experienced users.

I think that a couple of ways you could [minorly] improve on the
SmugMug implementation would be:

1) A more noticeable media treatment to distinguish selected from
unselected photos. Perhaps graying out or some kind of media
treatment over the photo itself (as opposed to just the outline)

2) Perhaps include a status line with some simple instructions:
"Click to select or unselect a photo." This could even go away
after the user clicks around a bit. 

3) Use that status area to indicate how many photos are currently
selected. SmugMug does this, but it's lumped in with the purchasing
information on the right-hand side. It may be more noticeable if
it's co-located with the Select All / Unselect All buttons ...

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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