I agree that ?s all over is very busy. But how about *space* for them which only gets filled with focus in or hover over a given control? That would perhaps give nearly the same value with minimal added clutter. (Perhaps = user test it.)

The first magically appearing ? might be odd, but it would be learnable by the third or so.

-- Jim
   Via my iPhone

On Nov 7, 2008, at 9:31 AM, "Mark Pawson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have been asked to come up with an intuitive help method for tooltips on a very complex dialog. I immediately thought of a question mark which the customer clicks on and then drags over the interface, but that idea has been nixed. Our competitors tend to put question marks next to every
main control which I have argued makes an already complex dialog look
far too busy and also sends a message that says " look out this is
confusing". That is my own personal opinion backed up by only common
sense, so if I am wrong please someone correct me.
Our challenge is a standard one line tooltip will not be enough to
describe the intent of the control(s). At the same time they do not want
to fall back on separate context sensitive help windows opening. They
want the customer to stay in the interface where they are working and
get helpful information as required.
Any good examples out there on the web that I can look at.

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