Perhaps we are getting off track on the original question about
disability, but I think we will see aware sites well before we see
aware refrigerators.  It may be easy for the fridge to know that the
milk is running low (RFID and weight sensor would take care of that),
that I always use milk (a simple analysis of my history could mine
this insight), and that it should be re-ordered as soon as it gets
down to 1 quart left (time series analysis of when I self-ordered).  

But I suspect it will take a lot longer for the fridge to smell the
oranges I buy to know how I like them.  Or to predict what I want to
cook for my hot date this weekend.  And if I have to go to the store
to buy the oranges, as well as the 50% of my groceries that are not
regular purchases, what good does it do me for my milk, rice, and
coffee purchases to be automated?  

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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