For me, strategy is inextricably related to leadership (or being a
design visionary commanding a "design strategy"). 

So then the question might really be: what are the leadership
qualities needed to a) properly envision a compelling, valuable,
integrative design concept and b) enable its fruition into a real
product for the business, looking across
markets/cycles/platforms/eco-systems, etc. 

I've written about this on my blog recently:

(Based upon a talk I gave at IDSA few years ago)

One of the major points is that IxD'ers should be like ecologists,
conscious of the integrated system of invisible consequences. A
corollary is that asking critical questions driven by a set of
conceptual frameworks is necessary for the IxD to identify the right
problems to address.

Also, when I think of what i need to know about "design strategy" I
often go back to Vogel/Cagan's "Creating Breakthrough Products" as
the prime textbook on this, framed as an interdisciplinary product
development challenge. Leavy's "Inside Steve's Brain" has many
tasty morsels (the evolution of Apple's "digital lifestyle"
strategy), as does Robert Brunner's recent "Do you matter". 

To dig even deeper, Tony-Golsby Smith at 2nd Road, Jeanne Liedtke at
Darden/UVA are pushing the boundaries of strategy as
argument/conversations, which inherently involve the concepts of
"interaction" albeit for slightly different purposes and audiences
(4th order systems, etc.). This maybe more advanced level of
understanding however.

Hope this helps...


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