I have a question along similar lines...(I joined this group a few
minutes ago - so apologies if I'm breaking any protocol) 

We're building a site for a non-profit that has activities in
multiple cities around the world and we want local chapters to have
the ability to have their own sites and their own url. The two
options are:
1.  www.foundation.org/city-name (e.g. www.foundation.org/ny)
2.  city-name.foundation.org (ny.foundation.org)

If we were to go with option 2 - we could end up with hundreds of
sub-domains but they may easier to remember and promote. The question
we're trying to address:  Which works better from a SEO perspective
and a user perspective?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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