Professional & elegant. Very clean.
Excellent use of technology to convey the message.

The layout is solid as well as the code.

I really like the use of color and the sketched icons.

I like how the dots fall to marginal for flash and silverlight, lol.

Good job.

iRise, I just evaluated the software. I did some of the courseware and a
couple of mentor sessions. The code reusability possibilities are
impressive. I just created a pattern library/work flow diagram based on a
possible project overview. iRise is worth checking out.

Coda is really nice to use. I just used it for some stuff and thought the
application had a big affect on my final product. Everything would have
looked and behaved differently if I had used something else.

I would add mootools to the javascript libraries and add CSS under
development: stylegala <>
alistapart <>

I would include the commonly used IE hacks along with the firefox's firebug
and web developer plugins, maybe the validators also.

What skill level are you aiming for? Do you want to introduce versioning,
IDEs, and bugtracking, dev environments (like
WAMP <>  for the PHP people, and Tomcat etc...
for the java people)?
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