Musak used to (they may still) offer a service that pumped white noise into
the office rendering the open office concept much quieter. Basically it
served to kill voices. You had to walk over and have conversations within a
cube. There was also a noise curtain under development at one point. You
placed it at the top of a door way and it projected high intensity white
noise straight down with the intent of canceling out noise that might come
from the room. Not sure what happened to that idea...
I often listen to music in order to screen out small noises and
conversations when working. I also just put in ear buds at times to do the
same thing... but allowing better focus.


On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 10:38 AM, Meredith Noble <> wrote:

> I actually have a 1 minute white noise track that I found via Wikipedia
> a year or two ago. I loop it and it drowns out the chatter in my open
> concept office.
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