Jeff G. and Jerome R. have a good point here about a continuous save,
snapshot save, or checkpoints.

Could we remove the save button completely if these checkpoints were
constantly saved ala Gmail or other apps that save drafts on a
regular basis. The user would then only be required to set a period
between which they want saves to occur.

To revert back to older versions the user would view an interactive
timeline showing previews of their different With the amount of
computing power and disk space these days the limitation here seems
to be user culture and interface design.

Going back to the original question though with our mental model how
it is, how about replacing the icon of a disk with an icon of a icon
of a box/briefcase/shelf that has paper files going into it? When
items have been successfully saved the object will close. The idea
being that instead of saving it to a disk you are in essence, putting
the object away in a safe place.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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