I get that "user experience" has become default in the business
world as an umbrella term and I often play along to get my paycheck.
But my own personal problems with "it's all just UX":

1. (this is admittedly a bit hair-splitting)  One technically cannot
design a user's experience since an "experience" is deeply
internal and self-generated. Your experience is your own. One can
only design the stuff someone engages with to somehow shape the
quality of that encounter or dialogue via
information/visual/interaction design, per Luke's articulate
breakdown of those terms and what I articulated here:

2. "User" is objectifying and demeaning. We're the only profession
other than the hard drugs business that is ok with calling people
"users". (so does that make us "pushers"?? LOL) I like how Apple
job titles say "Human interface" or "Human experience", a bit
more encompassing of the total human dynamic.

3. IMHO, the only real "user experience designers" are Cirque du
Soleil, Disney Imagineers, and IMAX filmmakers, and top
restauranteurs/chefs. NikeTown and Rainforest Cafe too, etc.

Everyone on this list should really make an effort to read John
Dewey's "Art as Experience" for the true origins of the concept of
experience (& expression) as it pertains to design. It was written in
the 1930's and strongly influenced Moholy-Nagy at IIT as well as
CMU's Design School via Dick Buchanan (now at Case-Western). I think
as you read it you'll have some moments of self-realization of how
nothing is really new in terms of "user experience" as hawked by
today's companies marketing or pitched by HR recruiters, and gain a
deeper sense of the humanity or "soul" of design.

Without being armed with such an intellectual basis, then throwing
the phrase "user experience" around (especially by designers) is
tantamount to empty buzzwordism, succinct yet vacuous and ultimately
meaningless. No designer worth his/her salt would dare do something

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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