It most unfortunate that the level of discourse on this subject has fallen
so low as to include squishy defensive pseudo-innuendo. Because, up until
this post, the conversation has been conducted in a spirited and oddly
compelling manner. This has been one of the more subtle and slightly sneaky
"defining the d*** thing" conversations with the added flavor of ownership.
However, it is my belief, that we could easily be discussing how many angels
can dance on the head of a pin as the "answer" would be the same; it doesn't

Machiavelli said it best, truth is the outcome, regardless of the title. Who
went to IDEA? Both. Who went to Interaction09? Both. Who went to SXSW? Both.
Who went to IA Summit 10? Both. For me it is about engagement. Engagement
with information through systems facilitated by design. That's what I do. I
am defined by what I do and not by my title. 

Perhaps this should be a panel discussion at either, both or all conventions
next year? 


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Peter
Sent: Sunday, March 29, 2009 6:48 PM
Subject: Re: [IxDA Discuss] JJG's IA Summit 2009 Keynote

Throughout all of this, what's most disconcerting is that a few people who
represent the early interests of these different communities continue to
operate as the primary voices of leadership, though their perspectives are
not shared by the broader communities they claim to represent (at least, not
in my conversations with folks). Instead, their perspectives are informed by
selfish motivations derived by the sense of identity they receive from their

With respect to IxDA and IAI (and it's worth noting, I was president of IAI
for two years, from 2005-2007), the membership has far more in common than
in difference. Feet on the ground, you see the same individuals facilitating
the IDEA 2009 and Interaction10 conferences, and you realize the commentary
of supposed leaders is worth little more than the hot air their issuing

Thankfully, the membership demonstrates far more sense than the leadership.

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