Thanks for the replies.

Yes, this is in regards to a mobile site and not a phone tree, but
from the other responses I wonder if this is even used enough to
warrant implementing keypad shortcuts. On most phones (excluding
modern phones such as iPhone, Win Mobile, BB,  etc.) you're likely
to find this in your regular phone navigation, too.  Have you guys
used this before?  I haven't come across a device that uses 0 to
connote "home" or "end".

In addition to various phone menu systems, here are some mobile sites
which make use of keypad navigation:
- Citysearch reults (
- (text only) (
- New York Times (
- Earthcomber mobile weblink (

They vary in the number of items listed, but they make use of the
keypad shortcut.

The suggestion to lead with 0 is interesting, but I feel it may
confuse when viewing feedback on results (e.g. Results 1-10 of 232) 
whereas you're actual list will show 0 - 9.  Plus the 0 hard key is
usually the last numeral on the keypad (at the bottom) which doesn't
seem to convey the correct order.  But still something to consider.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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