I have a different perspective on the ProtoFarm event than Julie, which I was fortunate to attend last night as well as being myself a presenter, like her.

For my part, I don't see much value in watching people show off their prototype all by itself. Without knowing the context behind the prototype and the design process people employed, the prototype is just a shiny object. (Or not so shiny, as the case may be.)

Additionally, there was guidance given to the speakers--the event was about conveying tips and tricks for prototyping. To me, this meant that we should emphasize the why's and wherefore's and most especially how use of the prototype unfolded in practice.

I do agree that time management caused some issues. The first bunch of presenters seemed to have more like 10 minutes to speak & answer questions, where the last few (Julie and myself among them) were kept to the 5 minute mark. I was just about to display my prototype when I heard that my time was almost up. At this point, I chose to abandon display of it altogether in favor of continuing to discuss the design situation, prototyping techniques I used, and outcomes as well as learnings. Personally, I believe that the latter set of information would be more globally useful to the group than showing off my prototype would have been. In retrospect, realizing that the 5-minute time was now being enforced, I might have shown the prototype the whole time while talking through these points, but...c'est la vie.

Nice event, IxDA San Francisco! It was a super-useful topic for the community, I think. And Adobe made for a great host.


Vice-President, IxDA / www.ixda.org
CDO, Devise / www.devise.com

On May 27, 2009, at 1:52 AM, Damon Dimmick wrote:

Did anyone videotape this event? I'd love to see how Tellme handled it.


Julie Stanford wrote:
I just attended Protofarm this evening and had a few comments about the
event and how to make future Farm events more effective.

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