Ok Andrei, I bought in.
So I'm reviewing it here:
1) I am not a Mint user (I'm not the CFO in my house, so it never
made sense for me), but I've heard amazing things about it. 

If the Mint out of box, purchasing, installing, etc. experience is
anything like what I went through with Fever, i can't believe that
it is lauded in any way what so ever. It was the convoluted and

before people balk, I have done many installs from drupal to WP etc.
and this was on par w/ those (NOT a good thing) at some points and
wierder/scarier in others.

2) now that I have it running, I really like the visual design a lot
but with some caveats.

a) what is the " " sign for, and I don't get it.
b) What? it sends me to the web site? I'm so used to reading almost
all the posts in GReader and that by itself makes Fever, more like

3) From a pure HCI perspective, there are few interactions
communicated in the design itself. I'm not talking about the few
pop-up support messages that come up. I'm talking about the entire
UI. I look at the design and I seriously do not know what to do.

So all this begs me to actually say that I really disagree with
Andrei about this experience. I think that what Andrei describes in
his 1st post is ALL true. And is all good. but it is 1/2 the IxD
story. it is the part that most of DON'T get which is why it is
important to look at, but we still need something that is the whole
story (regardless of whether it is one person or a team).

I'm going to sit with it some more and really TRY to use it fully
for a week or so. 

Some aspects that will be hard to give up from GReader:
1) gmail integration: the ability to send email from w/in the app is
a huge thing for me.
2) sharing and comments. (more the sharing). This is a widget in my
blog and I know few people who rely on my ability to share like this.
3) Firefox plugin Better Google Reader which primarily allows me to
view full web page INSIDE GReader.

-- dave

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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